Iceberg Lettuce: Crisp, Fresh, and Delicious

Iceberg Lettuce: Crisp, Fresh, and Delicious

Details   At Scottfresh, we pride ourselves on growing the finest iceberg lettuce all year round, ensuring freshness and quality in every bite. Hand-picked daily, our lettuce is a testament to our commitment to delivering the freshest produce to our customers.

Bagged and tagged right in the field, our lettuce undergoes vacuum chilling immediately after harvest, extending its shelf life while preserving its crispness and nutritional value. We offer both bagged and loose options, allowing you to choose the perfect fit for your culinary needs, whether it's a convenient pre-packaged option or the versatility of loose leaves.

Renowned for its crisp texture and refreshing taste, iceberg lettuce has become an essential ingredient in kitchens worldwide, particularly for those focused on health and wellness. With its high water content and low calorie count, it's a favored choice for salads and sandwiches, offering a satisfying crunch without compromising on nutrition.

Did you know that the name "iceberg" traces back to its historical transportation method? Long ago, lettuces were packed in piles of ice to keep them fresh during transportation across the country, thus giving rise to the name we know today.